How to Properly Use Topsoil for Your Landscape
If you want a healthy landscape, it is vital to have nutrient-rich topsoil. Plants, such as grass, might have a hard time growing in it if the topsoil in your lawn contains the wrong form of nutrients or has little or no nutrients.
Because of that, when using topsoil in your landscape, there are a couple of things you need to understand.
Here are a couple of things you need to think about if you are considering applying topsoil to your landscaping in Phoenix.
Spread New Seed
You need to seed the topsoil with new grass after you apply it to your landscape. You might smother a couple of existing grasses in your landscape when you apply the new topsoil. This will lead to the death of the grass. However, it isn’t a foolproof answer.
You instead have to reseed the places of your landscape in which you apply the new topsoil.
Evenly Distribute the Topsoil
When applying the topsoil to your landscape, you should always keep in mind to evenly distribute it. You shouldn’t simply throw a load of topsoil in the middle of the landscape. You have to evenly distribute the topsoil if you want to encourage a healthy landscape.
Choosing the Correct Type
Obviously, you have to pick the correct type of topsoil for your landscape.
An excellent general rule to follow is to use topsoil with the same combination of minerals and nutrients as that of your current landscape.
You can always visit a plant nursery in your local area and ask for a suggestion if you are having a hard time looking for the correct type of topsoil for your landscape.
The local plant nursery will be able to recommend the right topsoil that works for the landscape in the climate of your region.
Aerate Before Applying the Topsoil
Before you apply the new topsoil, it is an excellent idea to aerate the landscape. For those who don’t know, aeration includes scoring the existing soil with a lot of shallow and small holes. You can use a motorized aerator or a walk-behind aerator to aerate your landscape.
It will mix up the soil underneath as the machine creates shallow and small holes. The topsoil will then combine with the current soil to produce the best growing environment for plants and grass.
Only Apply in Places Where It is Required
Of course, your entire landscape typically does not need new topsoil. Because of this, you only have to add new topsoil to places where it is required.
Patches of discolored or otherwise brown grass sometimes is sign of a poor-quality topsoil. Because of this, you need to think about adding the new topsoil to places of discoloration.
Whether your current landscape has a couple of bare spots or you need topsoil for a newly planted landscape, a fresh layer of soil can help improve your lawn. If you want to know more about adding topsoil, do not hesitate to contact a professional landscaping company. They can help you.